Have a cockroach problem? This sophisticated invention from Nick Suteerawanit may be the answer. This device targets the German cockroach species which is the most prevalent cockroach species worldwide and is readily found in the United States as well. The trap provides bait, humidity, and temperature to attract the cockroaches into the trap. Once inside, the cockroach is electrocuted and then drops to a receiving dock below.
Image source: United States Patent and Trademark Office
Want to learn more about this invention? See the following information from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, www.uspto.gov
A German cockroach trap provides bait, humidity, and temperature to attract German cockroaches into entries, electrocutes the German cockroaches upon entry into the trap, and stores dead cockroaches below the entries. Electrode bands form a closed ring on an interior surface and contact with two of the rings immediately kills the German cockroach which drops into a receiving dock below. A center electrode band may include holes for entry into the trap. A water reservoir in the bottom of the trap is heated to generate humid vapor. Heaters in the top of the trap are controlled to maintain temperature and a fan in the top of the trap draws ambient air into the trap to create a humid vapor flow out through the entries. Bait trays contain material further attracting the German cockroaches
Cockroach electrocution device
Inventor: Nick Suteerawanit
Filed: Mar. 2 , 2022